Data Protection Test

The requirements for data protection in Austria are primarily regulated in the DSG 2000 and many enterprises and freelancers have to keep these regulations in mind. On the 25th May 2018 many several changes regarding individual-related data are introduced with the DSGVO, which is to be respected throughout Europe.
The increasing use of technology demands higher requirements in regard to organisational and technical security regulations; therefore, we offer a test for a first and quick clarification on this issue. This test should give you an overview of the level of data protection in your enterprise.
The test is predominantly designed for private enterprises and natural people and not for private use.
Please, keep in mind that this test is carefully designed, however, the test only offers a first and non-binding impression and cannot replace an individual and legal counselling due to the field’s complexity. We do not guarantee for any test results.
No personal data is processed during the rapid test; execution and evaluation are carried out anonymously.